CAL-K 7-0-7-7 (Ca)
This dynamic product adds Calcium and Potassium to the grower’s toolbox. A proven winner in the root zone and upstairs, Cal-K can be applied in the soil, or, as a foliar.
Contains High Quality Ingredients:
- A unique blend of Nitrogen, Calcium and Potassium.
- Potassium derived from liquid potassium hydroxide.
- Is made from Soluble Calcium Nitrate.
- Has a lower salt index than most commercial fertilizers.
- A liquid concentrate that requires less handling.
- Very safe and easy to apply.
Calcium Benefits:
- Is a direct nutrient source for growing plants and acts as a buffer/carrier for other nutrients.
- Is essential to healthy cell walls (in the form of calcium pectrate).
- Increases microbial population and activity in the soil.
- Significantly reduces disease pressure from soil-borne fungal pathogens: fusarium and verticillium wilt, phytophera, sclerotium rolfsii, clubfoot, and numerous other diseases.
Potassium Benefits:
- Essential for translocation of sugars.
- Essential for starch formation.
- Required in the opening and closing of stomata.
- Important for efficient water use.
- Encourages root growth.
- Increases crop resistance to disease.
- Increases size and quality of fruits.
- Essential for high-quality forage crops.
- Useful on all crops grown on various types of soil under any climate conditions.