




Quic-K has been specifically designed to provide maximum potassium uptake with minimal potential for phytotoxicity. Quic-K is a hybrid of an inorganic salt and organic salt making it a truly unique foliar fertilizer.


Quic-K is a combination of an inorganic salt reacted with an organic acid to form a potassium acetate fertilizer.  In general, potassium acts the same in all plants by the following:


• Formation and translocation of starches, sugars, and fats
• Protein formation
• Aids in enzyme actions
• Helps cells maintain their internal pressure
• Maintains balance of salts and water in cells
• Increases root growth and resistance to disease and drought


Quic-K is unique in the origination of its organic-based carrier (anion), the acetate molecule.  Acetate is a natural plant metabolite that has many important functions within the plant as well as in the symbiotic relationship between plant roots and soil microbes/mycorrhizal fungi.  It provides a base in which many plant compounds are thereby formed, which includes fatty acids, auxins, sterols, phenolic acids, gibberelins, flavonoids, amino acids, and chlorophyll.


Quic-K also has a very low salt index and leaf burn potential, thus making it extremely safe for both foliar and in-furrow applications.  Including Quic-K Technology in a sound, well balanced fertility program will provide the plant with added energy (derived from acetate) which will ultimately lead to increased yield.