


Well known for our UG Crop Shield that helps to protect against sunburn during the hot summer months, Ultra Gro has a large footprint on the Westside for cannery growers. We have completed multiple grower demonstration trials that have been successful for increasing yields. As a result of those trials, Ultra Gro has caught the attention of several growers and has expanded acreage of full-program tomato customers.


Please find out more from our hardworking team:


Kern County: Steve Best, Dennis Laux

Westside: Eric MacBean, Craig Fourchy, Chris Meyer, Rich Kreps, Bill Vogt

Dos Palos/Los Banos/Merced:  Derek Sissom, Craig Fourchy, Albert Rascon, Rich Kreps




At Planting: (per acre) “Pop Up”
2-3 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus (Banded on seed with planter)

Pre-Plant, At planting or Side Dress: (per acre) Starter Fertilizer.
3-6 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus (Side dress 2″ down in soil and 2″ from seed row)

After Planting: (per acre)
1 Gallon 6-0-0-8 Soil Treatment (sprinkle on)

30 Days after planting: (per acre) When plants are 8″ to 10″ across (Optional)
2 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus (Foliar) (flown or band sprayed)

50 to 60 days prior to Harvest:
 (per acre) Prevent Sunburn and Moisture Loss.
1-2 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus (Foliar)
1 Gallon 3-4.5-2 Crop Shield (Foliar)

20 to 30 days prior to Harvest: (per acre) Prevent Sunburn and Moisture Loss.
1-2 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus(Foliar)
1 Gallon 3-4.5-2 Crop Shield (Foliar)

  • Recommendations will vary according to Soil Analysis.
  • For any other variables consult with your Ultra Gro Representative.
  • Apply normal Nitrogen program.