
Ultra Gro Foliar Crop Shield (3-4.5-2)


Cooler Crops, More Photosynthesis, Better Yields


Well known for sunburn protection, this product does much more than shield against heat and cold. It contains a mixture of highly effective nutrients and water-soluble biodegradable material. Macro- and micro-nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper Cobalt, and Molybendum are all included. This combination feeds the plant necessary nutrients, all while protecting it from heat stress (and saving you money in the process).


Get started by speaking directly to a Crop Advisor today.

The difference in trees before and after Crop Shield:

Benefits of Foliar Crop Shield:


-Slows down the release of moisture, yet allows the plant to breathe due to the minute spaces between the molecules. It is not a polymer.


-Since the coating is “natural” vs. “synthetic’, plant growth and development are not inhibited in any way.


-In arid regions, the coating provides thermal insulation for crops, thus greatly retarding heat absorption. By reducing heat in this fashion, plants can survive in good health, even with the present lowered availabilities of irrigation waters.

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Trial Results

In recent trials conducted by a third party, Ultra Gro Crop Shield showed outstanding results when applied to walnuts and satsuma mandarins.

In Walnuts:

  • 3.3% Increase in Turnout
  • 10% Increase in Extra Light/Light Nut Meats
  • 25.6% Reduction in Amber Nut Meats
  • 43% Reduction of Dark Amber Nut Meats


Click here for the full report.

In Citrus:

  • 41% Reduction in Sunburned Fruit
  • 45.6% Increase in Large Size Fruit
  • 29% Increase in Yield


Click here for the full report.

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