
Almonds, Pistachios & Walnuts


Ultra Gro has a long history of success in the California nut crop industries.  Ranging from Kern County to Chico, we serve over 50,000 acres of almonds, pistachios and walnuts. Common achievements include: orchard turnaround situations, increased yields/nut sizing, water penetration issues, counter-balancing high magnesium levels found in the Sacramento Valley and down the entire Eastside to Kern, protection from sunburn in walnuts, frost protection in pistachios and almonds, sizing & splits in pistachios, overall orchard health and disease control, young orchard root development, and more.




Post Harvest: (per acre) Strengthen next year’s crop.
1 Gallon 6-0-0-8 Soil Treatment (apply to soil)
2-3 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 7-14-7 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus (apply to soil)
2 – 3 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus (Foliar)
__________ Qts / Pints ___________ (Trace Minerals / Foliar) (boron)

1st Spring Irrigation: (per acre)
1 Gallon 6-0-0-8 Soil Treatment (apply to soil)
4-6 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 7-14-7 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus (apply to soil)

Pink Bud: (per acre) Nut Set
2 – 3 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus (Foliar)
__________ Qts / Pints ___________ (Trace Minerals / Foliar)

Petal Fall: (per acre) Holds Buds
2 – 3 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus (Foliar)
__________ Qts / Pints ___________ (Trace Minerals / Foliar)

Fruit Size: (per acre) Size nuts, 2-3 weeks after Petal Fall (jelly centers)
1.5 Gallons 6-0-0-9 Calcium Complex (Foliar)
2-3 Gallons 2-17-17 Plus

Late Foliar: (per acre) Size Nuts (optional) (milk stage)
2-3 Gallons 8-16-8 Plus / 2-17-17 Plus (Foliar)
1.5 Gallons 6-0-0-9 Calcium Complex (Foliar)

Heat Stress: (per acre) To reduce loss of moisture due to heat. (Optional)
1 Gallon 3-4.5-2 Foliar Crop Shield (repeat every 3 to 4 weeks)

  • Recommendations will vary depending on Soil and Tissue analysis.
  • Trace elements should be applied with foliar applications, with traces being determined by soil and tissue analysis for best results.
  • For any other variables, check with your Ultra Gro Plant Food Company Representative.
  • Apply normal Nitrogen program.